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Journeys & holiday in an undiscovered country


 Werner Herzog's Film "Cobra Verde", the story of the slavetrader Francisco Manuel da Silva, was shot on location in one of the most astonishing places in the whole of Africa, the slave fort of El Mina on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea.


Ghana itself is a dream destination for the Africa enthusiast who wants to discover for his or herself the character of the people and nature of this continent. In this land a new type of African travel is possible, a journey binding today's nature and cultural experience to the history of the past, a history represented by the many historical monuments from the time of slavery.


Slave forts lie tucked away in remote bays, half hidden between palm beaches and fishing villages the entire 530 Km length of the coast. They are part of our sightseeing programme. We also pay a visit to the Aschanti culture, tour the goldmines in the land interior, the Mole National Park and boat on Africa's largest reservoir.


Or enjoy a relaxing holiday at a select hotel on one of 4 pristine, out of the way beaches. Extra sporting activites and excursions are available if desired.



Selected hotels for touring and beach holidays


Tourers and beach lovers alike can relax in hotels whose setting creates an ambiance worthy of the extraordinary African countryside.


For the water enthusiast there is an extensive sports programme. For the landlubber the hotel offers excursions along the coast or into the country's interior providing unforgettable impressions of the land.


These specially chosen hotels are also ideal for a relaxing extended stay after the rigours of a tour.





roundtrips in ghana
tips: health & visa
ghana- information

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Cobra Verde Ghana Travel, Im Wrockmoor 25, D-27726 Worpswede- Germany

Tel: +49 4792 - 952124, Fax: +49 4792 -952125, E-mail: